Kindly be informed that the Austrian Business Council (ABC) is hosting an informative session in Abu Dhabi.
“¢ Welcome by Mr. Werner Baumgartner, Chairman of the Austrian Business Council.
“¢ H.E. the Austrian Ambassador Mr. Peter Elsner-Mackay will elaborate on bilateral relation.
“¢ Commercial Counsellor Mr. Richard Bandera will update on the Economic Activities of ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA for the upcoming month.
“¢ Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Nikolai Herold will brief on Consulate, Passport & Visa procedures for Austrian Expats in the UAE.
“¢ Mr. Klaus Ehrenbrandtner from the Austrian National Tourist Office Dubai will give us information on their activities in the region to boost tourism into Austria.
“¢ Dr. Clemens Daburon, Lawyer of Trust of the Austrian Embassy – Abu Dhabi, of Baitulhikma Law, will update us on the latest legal developments for expats in the UAE.
Date: Wednesday, 9th September 2015
Time: 19:00 hrs – 21:30 hrs
Venue: Residence of the Austrian Ambassador in Abu Dhabi
Please confirm your attendance by filling out the formdesk here latest by Sunday the 6th of September 2015.
Calendar of Events

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